Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello? People STYLE Watch? Yes, it's the THE Summer Look. By Sassy.

Really. Must I BEG for a decent stylist? Am I speaking the wrong LANGUAGE? Does SHE, the tall one, go with no haircut for a year? Today I made her leave while my darling Mr. Ken simply SLAVED away. (He says I have FABULOUS skin. I let him do my nails, too. So JEALOUS, poor boy.)

And then. That horrible THING... b-o-b-o. No, she did NOT go to Mr. Ken. He wouldn't have her, I KNOW it. But there she is, the star of the party? No. Not at ALL. Who got home first? Me. Who did SHE pet first? ME. Not Bobo. Copycat, thy name is b-o-b-o.

Monday, May 24, 2010

For some reason She lets me out the big door now

It started about 2 weeks ago. She put this THING around my neck. I don't really care, now, but it was very strange at first. But then, every time She put the thing around my neck, She put me outside. THAT, I get. So, whatever: When I hear the thing rattle by the door, I come running. Get me out there!

Moustache Pete, he shows me the way. He's been my pal for a long time. Except he's outside most of the time, and She stopped letting me outside after that one day. (I was having a good time, even went into the woods for the first time--this was before the Thing. I thought maybe I heard Her calling me, but it was so windy, I wasn't sure, but then there She was, and She squeezed me so hard. I didn't go outside again until the first time She put the Thing on my neck.)

Anyway, Moustache Pete and me, we hang out. Everybody follows us around. Except Sassy. She's rude. Except when we're inside, she's nice to me.

Yesterday I went into the woods again. I found a big patch of flowers and just sat for a while. Then I heard The Beeping. Then there She was, but she didn't squeeze me. She called me Good Girl and I followed Her into the garden, but then She let me stay outside.

I think I'll go lay on the porch now.

(She says: See Gopher videos here.)